Germany’s Obesity Rate is No Longer the Highest, but Still Linked to Another Major Economic Problem
Obesity is a globally widespread problem that has become a common concern for many countries, albeit differing in proportion to the size of a population. While Germany still considers obesity as a major economic problem, the country was able to bring down its obesity after more than a decade carrying out intervention programs. Yet since obesity can lead to more serious diseases, addressing obesity problem can help solve the current major problem of the country, the slow growth of the German population.
In the latest global report of obesity on a per country basis, ⅔ of men and half of women in Germany are overweight. On the other hand, 24% of women and 23% of men of the population in Germany or Deutchsland are obese. Nevertheless, Germany is no longer at the top of this year’s list of most obese countries. The current rate of obesity is 22.30%, which when compared to other countries that ranked top ten, have obesity rates ranging from 42.30% to 74.60%
Germany Still Considers Obesity as a Major problem Despite the Decline in Obesity Rate
Health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and cancer have been proven disorders triggered or promoted overweight or obese conditions. Due to obesity and other related diseases have become more prevalent, in ways that cause the country’s health and social welfare systems to suffer financially. Moreover, since the diseases linked to obesity can increase the mortality rate of the country, the adverse health impacts of obesity can worsen the slow growth of the country’s population.
The past years have seen a decline in Germany’s population, which has remained unchanged at a growth rate of only 0.20% annually. Yet it is expected that in the next four years, Germany’s population will slowly start to decline as the German people are having fewer offsprings while living longer lifespans. In year 2020, Germany’s population count stood at 82,540,450, but is to go down T 80,000,000 by YEAR 2050. other studies differ and they expect the population decline to go lower at 74.73 million people.
Germany’s History with Overweight and Obesity
In 2007, the country’s government launched an action plan that aimed to greatly reduce obesity rates by 2020. Government intervention became necessary after a study showed the country had the highest number of overweight people in all of Europe.
It was also during that year that health concerns associated with obesity became an economic burden that was expected to $90 million annually if no action taken.
The government’s action plans were collectively known as “Fit instead of Fat” programs that involved the participation of public institutions like schools and hospitals. The goal was to educate the people in improving food quality, and promoting exercise among children.
Apparently, majority of the citizens were willing to participate as they were surprised to learn that 75% men and 59% women were considered obese or overweight. It somehow hurt the nation’s pride as the Deutschland is reputed for its high level of involvement in sports and outdoor activities.
However, research experts explained that the country’s culture of excessive beer drinking showed a clear connection to the country’s obesity problem.
While current and recent findings of studies suggest that strategies launched in 2007 yielded positive results, intervention programs should continue to focus on adult men, boys and on sectors with low education levels. Other areas of focus mentioned include limiting the consumption not only beer but also of meat and lemonade, whilst promoting consumption of healthy meals.
Although not mentioned in studies, it can also be presumed that the advent of weight-loss supplements also helped many Germans to not only reduce but also maintain the ideal weight. Fat burner supplements like Reduslim, which the Reduslim Deutschland website markets as natural appetite suppressants have also been effective in preventing obesity. Users like the fact that this fat burner supplement allowed them to control the amounts of fats stored in their body without requiring intense physical exercises.