Food: A Guide To Increasing Your Testosterone
Several studies have found a positive link between healthy fats and testosterone production.
Eat plenty of healthy fats
First of all, men on a low-fat diet have significantly lower testosterone levels than men on a high-fat diet. You can also find good fats in avocados, salmon, seeds, and high-quality oils like olive oil. In general, try to eat lots of good fats and low in saturated fats.
Science also shows that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are good for testosterone levels. Trans fats are detrimental to testosterone levels. Add cold-water fish, seeds and nuts, olive oil, and certain fortified foods like eggs and yogurt to your diet, to name a few. To avoid trans fats, reduce the amount of fried or highly processed foods in your diet.
Work on improving your body composition
It seems that having more body fat can affect testosterone levels. In a study from South Korea, researchers found that “body and visceral fat mass show a small significant negative correlation with serum total testosterone levels”. This means that these two types of fat are correlated with lower testosterone levels. And since low testosterone levels are also linked to erectile dysfunction, it could be that getting more exercise and reducing body fat can help men have more energy.
Focus on aerobic exercise that promotes cardiorespiratory fitness and burns fat. Start with a cardio program such as running, cycling or rowing. High intensity interval training can be particularly good at improving your testosterone profile. This reduces the risk of injury and provides variety.
And of course, strength training also contributes to general health. As a general rule, people with more muscle mass have better metabolisms. So strength training should remain part of your testosterone-focused training plan. Testosterone enanthate (testosteron enantat) products can help but make sure to consult your doctor to avoid any risks.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
Eating more antioxidant and fiber rich leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits can help you achieve better body composition. Onions are particularly recommended and garlic, which according to an animal study can increase serum testosterone levels.
Ensure quality sleep
Sleep and testosterone have an interesting interrelationship. People with low testosterone levels may get adequate sleep but may not get quality sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can occur in people with low testosterone levels and higher body weight. If you’re tired during the day or need to ingest caffeine to keep you going, it might be time to change your sleep habits to improve.