Fine Dining – Have Awareness that It’s Not a Healthier Option

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There is a misconception that fine dining is a healthier alternative to casual dining, especially if dining out is in connection with important business deals. Yet in recent years, many businessmen as young as 40 years old, had developed Type 2 diabetes. This was after they became obese for habitually eating in fine dining restaurants.

Why Fine Dining is Not Healthier Than Casual Dining

The common misconception is based on the notion that classy and expensive restaurants, use ingredients that not only make the food taste and look better, but also healthier.

However, regardless of the venue in which a person eats, whether formal or casual, the healthy aspect always depends on the choices of food being consumed. This is especially true when having dinner at a French or Italian restaurant. These types of cuisine are usually heavy on cheese, sauces, oils and dressings. While they are ingredients that people would not normally eat at home, not a few try to recreate the fine dining experience by cooking the same types of meals in their own home.

At the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, the doctors discerned that there was a link between fine dining and the rise of obesity resulting to Type 2 diabetes, in many of their patients. It became apparent that most of them are the businessmen who became obese after developing a lifestyle of eating 3 up to 4 times a week in high-end restaurants and even at home. Add to that the fact that they sit behind their desk most of the time during the day, while spending several hours of their weekend sleeping as a way to relax and reinvigorate.

One of the doctors at the Baker Institute, Dr. Neale Cohen, was not surprised to learn that many of the young businessmen who consulted with them, were not aware of the unhealthy implications of the high in fat, salt and sugar content, common to the high-quality food served in expensive fine dining venues.

Ways to Minimize the Health Risks Posed by Frequent Dine Outs

While wining and dining is one way to convey the importance of a business deal to a prospective client, Dr. Cohen gives the following advice on how to make healthier choices when eating in some fancy, high-end restaurant as a necessity:

1, As much as possible, limit the fine dining experience to at least once a week and at the same time increase engagement in physical activities even by just walking.

2. Choose meals from the A la Carte menu instead of ordering a choice of Prix Fixe menu. A la Carte in fine dining restaurants allows guests to choose their own main course, appetizers, side orders and desserts;

3. When choosing a main dish, opt for those that are higher in protein but low in fat like salmon; preferably with as little sauce as possible or no sauce at all.

4 .Avoid ordering food rich in carbohydrates like rice and pasta, especially when cooked in lots of butter and cheese.

5. Choose fresh greens as salad or steamed vegetables.

6, Avoid indulging in desserts.

7. Stick to drinking mineral water instead of wine, juices or any calorie-laden beverage concoctions.

8. When at home, eat healthy dishes that will help your body burn some of the adipose tissues or the fats you gained and stored around your belly. These being the main reason why your body has become insulin resistant.

Consider taking the latest fat-burning supplement called Exipure, which helps with weight loss via natural ingredients. However, before taking Exipure, be sure to first consult with your health care provider, especially if you have been diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes.
